18mm Tinymight Bowl Kit by Tinymigh.T_Bowl (18mm Male)

    Turn your Tinymight into an even heavier hitter with this bespoke bowl, designed & made in Thailand, by Tinymigh.t-Bowl!

    This bowl gives you the ability to interface your Tinymight 1 or 2 with any 18mm female joint perfectly, be it glass or wood. By using 316 Stainless Steel, this adds conduction to the already convection heavy device to allow for a hybrid hit, which results in an even greater extraction!

    Also included is a half bowl converter, this gives you the ability to choose between ~0.2g FULL or ~0.1g HALF when loosely packed. To use it you simply slide the ring in and out, voila!

    The set includes -

    1x 18mm 316. Stainless Steel Post

    1x 316. Stainless Steel Handle

    1x 316. Half Bowl Converter

    1x Buffer O-ring Silicone

    5x Mesh Screens

    If you would like a custom wooden handle making for your bowl, please Contact Us here!

    *Tinymight device not included.

    Availability:In Stock
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