This mouthpiece is an upgrade from the original mouthpiece, whilst making the anvil longer in length it also incorporates another internal spiral filter which also improves cooling.
Utility Tube for the Anvil by Vestratto.The utility tube is designed to receive you Anvil device mouthpiece first, and made from aluminium so you can ...
ThermaCore Oven for the Anvil by Vestratto.The ThermoCore has been enhanced with a 50% increase in the inner copper layer to provide even faster heat ...
Half, Full & XL bowls for the Anvil by VestrattoOur signature bowls are designed to float within the CopperCore (Patent Pending) Oven for a convec...
DuraCore Oven for the Anvil by Vestratto.This DuraCore oven has now been discontinued and replaced by the ThermoCore oven on all new Anvil devices. Pu...
Full replacement O-ring packs for the Anvil and accessories by VestrattoAnvil Standard - 3 x O-rings for Condenser (5x1mm Viton)2x O-rings for Top of ...
Intergrated Stem for the Anvil by Vestratto.One less part. Reliability increases with a simpler construction.The enhanced attachment to the CopperCore...
Venom 2 triple flame butane torch by Vertigo, perfect to use with the Vestratto Anvil and the Dynavap Armoured cap as well as other butane devices. Th...
XL Adaptor for the Utility Tube for the Anvil by Vestratto.This is an XL Adaptor for the Utility Tube, this addition makes the utility tube long enoug...
Cyclone triple flame butane torch by Vertigo, perfect for the Vestratto Anvil and Dynavap Armoured Cap as well as other butane powered devices.The fla...
The Vestratto Universal Stem Adapter was created to allow Patented CopperCore (US 11,399,574 B2) Technology to interface with industry standard-size G...